
My Clapotis is complete!

Pattern: Clapotis, by Kate Gilbert for Knitty Fall 04
Yarn: Wool of the Andes in Chambray and HyacinthYardage: Approximately 440 yards of each color. (4 balls each)
Yarn Source: KnitPicks
Needles: US 8 Addi turbo circulars
Gauge: Around 4.5 spi
Modifications: Swapping colors every 10 rows, Single Crochet edging around entire piece.

Basically my idea behind this was to create very definitive stripes that went against the bias of the dropped stitches. That way, there are two strong visual elements opposing each other: the dropped stitches and the wide bars of color.

I started this around the New Year and then it sat in my work basket for a very long time.

I joined the Yahoo Clapotis group a few weeks back for the charts they have for it. They are a great help. I had been a little under halfway done with it when I put it down, and I finally decided to just go ahead and get it done.

Now to figure out what to do with the 4 balls of yarn I have left…..

Random Clapotis photos:

In the sink…

Wow at the blue water!

As a scarf (pre-washing and blocking)

As a stole (also pre-wash/block)

In other knitting news:

I have decided to frog Danica. I was only doing it as a pre-Lady Eleanor at any rate, and despite liking the way it looks over all, I think I’ll either just dispose of the yarn or do something else with it. Perhaps a feather and fan scarf.

I also changed my mind about IK Spring 06’s Aran Rose. I still like it, but I don’t think it will be that flattering on me. Besides, having to do all the math changes to make it my size would be a major chore. I have decided to do the Drop Stitch Hoodie instead. It’s a neat little pattern repeat. I am living dangerously and not swatching, so either I’ll have a sweater or someone I know will. I am ok with it either way. I would really like a nice zip-up sweater, but it doesn’t have to be this one. Mind you, if it fits, it’s all mine.

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